programs we offer
Collaborative Network with Food Pantries, Soup Kitchens and Shelters
Food Pantry (Coming Soon)
Supportive Services for low to moderately low-income individuals, families, senior citizens, and underserved communities.

Take a monthly
Help End Hunger In America.
Millions of families in America go hungry every year.
Help us eliminate food insecurity and
feed our communities.

EMPOWERing people in need
"If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one." Mother Teresa
ways you can donate
By Mail
To donate by mail, please mail-in
your donation check or money order payable to:
America Serving The Hungry
332 South Michigan Avenue
Suite #121-A97
Chicago, Illinois 60604
Help America feed the hungry by supporting food pantries,
soup kitchens and shelters.
At America Serving The Hungry, we rely on donations to help make food available to families struggling with hunger, and we can’t do this work without you. Every dollar you give can contribute to helping end food insecurities in America.

To transfer secure funds directly
to America Serving The Hungry please use the information
listed below.
US Electronic Transfers
To donate by text,
simply text
the word GIVE to this number.